

  • A 2-bisection with small number of monochromatic edges of a claw-free cubic graph

    Seungjae Eom, Kenta Ozeki
    Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 39, Article 44944, 2023
    • Arithmetic progressions, quasi progressions, and Gallai-Ramsey colorings

      Yaping Mao, Kenta Ozeki, Aaron Robertson, Zhao Wang
      Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 193, Article 105672, 2023
      • A framework to design approximation algorithms for finding diverse solutions in combinatorial problems

        Tesshu Hanaka, Masashi Kiyomi, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Yusuke Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Kurita, Yota Otachi
        Proc. of 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), AAAI-23 Technical Tracks 4, Vol. 37, pp. 3968-3976, 2023
        • Algorithms for coloring reconfiguration under recolorability digraphs

          Soichiro Fujii, Yuni Iwamasa, Kei Kimura, Akira Suzuki
          Proc. of 33rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2022), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Vol. 248, pp. 4:1–4:19, 2022
          • Reconfiguring (non-spanning) arborescences

            Takehiro Ito, Yuni Iwamasa, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Yu Nakahata, Yota Otachi, Kunihiro Wasa
            Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 943, pp. 131-141, 2023
            • Pareto efficient matchings with pairwise preferences

              Naoyuki Kamiyama
              Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 948, Article 113707, 2023
              • An even 2-factor in the line graph of a cubic graph

                SeungJae Eom, Kenta Ozeki
                Theory and Applications of Graphs, Vol. 9, Article 7, 2022
                • Sorting balls and water: Equivalence and computational complexity

                  Takehiro Ito, Jun Kawahara, Shin-ichi Minato, Yota Otachi, Toshiki Saitoh, Akira Suzuki, Ryuhei Uehara, Takeaki Uno, Katsuhisa Yamanaka, Ryo Yoshinaka
                  Proc. of 11th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2022), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Vol. 226, pp. 16:1-16:17, 2022
                  • Reconfiguring k-path vertex covers

                    Duc A. Hoang, Akira Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Yagita
                    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E105-D, pp. 1258-1272, 2022
                    • Weight balancing on boundaries

                      Luis Barba, Otfried Cheong, Michael Gene Dobbins, Rudolf Fleischer, Akitoshi Kawamura, Matias Korman, Yoshio Okamoto, János Pach, Yuan Tang, Takeshi Tokuyama, Sander Verdonschot
                      Journal of Computational Geometry, Vol. 13, Article 44573, 2022