
Events Records


  • 2023.09.13 Wed. 13:20-16:00
    Talk in International conference "PHM Asia Pacific 2023"
    Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
    • 2023.08.22 Tue. 17:40-19:20
      Minisymposium on Combinatorial Reconfiguration in ICIAM 2023
      Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
      • 2023.07.10 Mon.
        3rd Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, affiliated with ICALP 2023
        Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
        • 2022.12.12 Mon.
          Workshop "Combinatorial Reconfiguration and Fixed-Parameter Tractability"
          Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
          • 2022.08.17 Wed. 10:50-15:00
            JCCA-2022 Mini-Symposium
            Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
            • 2022.07.04 Mon.
              2nd Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, affiliated with ICALP 2022
              Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
              • 2021.11.29 Mon.
                Workshop "Graph Theory for Combinatorial Reconfiguration"
                Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
                • 2021.09.01 Wed. 14:00-16:30
                  3rd CoRe Project Symposium
                  Speaker : Title : Sumarry :