
Events Records

  • 2022.10.17 Mon. 10:00-12:00
    29th CoRe Seminar
    Speaker :KAKIMURA, Naonori (Keio U., Group C01) Title :Constrained online bipartite matching Sumarry :
    • 2022.08.17 Wed. 10:50-15:00
      JCCA-2022 Mini-Symposium
      Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
      • 2022.07.25 Mon. 15:00-17:00
        28th CoRe Seminar
        Speaker :KAWAHARA, Jun (Kyoto U., Group B01) Title :Reconfillion: a combinatorial reconfiguration solver Sumarry :
        • 2022.07.11 Mon. 15:00-17:00
          27th CoRe Seminar
          Speaker :OKUMURA, Keisuke (Tokyo Institute of Technology, invited talk) Title :Navigation for a team of agents Sumarry :
          • 2022.07.04 Mon.
            2nd Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, affiliated with ICALP 2022
            Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
            • 2022.06.13 Mon. 15:00-17:00
              26th CoRe Seminar
              Speaker :AOKI, Satoshi (Kobe U., invited talk) Title :Computational algebra for Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling Sumarry :
              • 2022.05.30 Mon. 15:00-17:00
                25th CoRe Seminar
                Speaker :NAKAHATA, Yu (NAIST, Group C01) Title :Implicit subgraph enumeration using decision diagrams Sumarry :
                • 2022.05.16 Mon. 15:00-17:00
                  24th CoRe Seminar
                  Speaker :YAMAUCHI, Yukiko (Kyushu U., Group A01) Title :Distributed computation and reconfiguration problems Sumarry :
                  • 2022.4.25 Mon. 15:00-17:00
                    23rd CoRe Seminar
                    Speaker :KAMIYAMA, Naoyuki (Kyushu U., Group C01) Title :Pareto stable matchings Sumarry :