
Event Records

19th CoRe Seminar

Date and time:  2021.12.16 Thu. 10:00-12:00
Venue:  Online
Speaker:  YAMANAKA, Katsuhisa (Iwate U., invited talk)
Title:  Enumeration and reconfiguration of ladder lotteries
Sometimes, Japanese kids use a ladder lottery to have a random assignment. The ladder lottery is very popular for Japanese people and also an interesting object from viewpoints of mathematics and computer science. In this talk, we introduce enumeration and reconfiguration problems of the ladder lotteries. First, we define the ladder lotteries. Then, we explain our algorithm for enumerating all the ladder lotteries. The algorithm enumerates using braid relations of ladder lotteries. Finally, we consider the reconfiguration problem of ladder lotteries. This problem asks, for given two ladder lotteries L1 and L2, whether L1 can be transformed to L2 by repeatedly applying braid relations. In this talk, we introduce some results on the length of the shortest reconfiguration sequence of two ladder lotteries.