
Event Records

24th CoRe Seminar

Date and time:  2022.05.16 Mon. 15:00-17:00
Venue:  Online
Speaker:  YAMAUCHI, Yukiko (Kyushu U., Group A01)
Title:  Distributed computation and reconfiguration problems
A distributed system is a system of autonomous computing entities, that communicate and cooperate with each other. Each computing entity does not know the global system configuration, and locally performs computation and communication in parallel. This talk first presents a short survey on recent results on distributed reconfiguration problems on a communication graph of a distributed system, for example, independent sets [ICALP2019], vertex colorings [DISC2018], and spanning trees [SSS 2021]. These papers consider different difficulties in distributed computing. Then, the talk proceeds to reconfiguration in distributed systems of autonomous mobile computing entities, such as mobile robots and agents. Reconfiguration in such distributed systems have been considered for geometric positions of computing entities and called the pattern formation problem and distributed reconfiguration. The speaker recently works on solving problem such as search and evacuation by combinations of reconfiguration sequences. The talk addresses pattern formation by mobile robots and search and evacuation by a metamorphic robotic system.