
Event Records

22nd CoRe Seminar

Date and time:  2022.4.11 Mon. 15:00-17:00
Venue:  Online
Speaker:  SUZUKI, Akira (Tohoku U., Group B01)
Title:  Optimization variant of reconfiguration applied to power distribution systems
In this talk, we give an example that combinatorial reconfiguration appears in industry, specifically power distribution systems. A power distribution network is designed as supplying electricity via multiple numbers of routes for redundancy. For example, the Japan standard benchmark model of power distribution networks has approximately 10^{58} alternatives for the choice of network configurations. Even the computation of a single optimal network configuration among them is out of reach. Furthermore, even if we may compute a single optimal network configuration, we need to find a switching procedure to reconfigure the current configuration to the optimal one so that any power failure does not occur during the transformation. This is exactly the situation of combinatorial reconfiguration. In this talk, we will explain the situation in power distribution systems, our reconfiguration algorithm, and experimental results. In addition, we will also explain optimization variant of reconfiguration problems, which is a more practical problem setting.