
Events Records

  • 2021.09.01 Wed. 14:00-16:30
    3rd CoRe Project Symposium
    Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
    • 2021.08.19 Thur. 10:35-12:50
      JCCA-2021 Mini-Symposium
      Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
      • 2021.07.26 Mon. 10:00-12:00
        14th CoRe Seminar
        Speaker :NOZAKI, Yuta (Hiroshima U., Group C01) Title :From the viewpoint of topology Sumarry :
        • 2021.07.12 Mon.
          Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, affiliated with ICALP 2021
          Speaker : Title : Sumarry :
          • 2021.07.05 Mon. 10:00-12:00
            13th CoRe Seminar
            Speaker :SOH, Takehide (Kobe U., Group B01) Title :Latest trends and utilization techniques of SAT solvers Sumarry :
            • 2021.06.21 Mon. 10:00-12:00
              12th CoRe Seminar
              Speaker :TAMAKI, Suguru (U. Hyogo, invited talk) Title :On the complexity of the connectivity of Boolean satisfiability (CONN-SAT) Sumarry :
              • 2021.06.07 Mon. 10:00-12:00
                11th CoRe Seminar
                Speaker :IWAMASA, Yuni (Kyoto U., Group C01) Title :An algebraic approach to constraint satisfaction problems Sumarry :
                • 2021.05.24 Mon. 10:00-12:00
                  10th CoRe Seminar
                  Speaker :TERUYAMA, Junichi (U. Hyogo, Group B01) Title :Sorting algorithms with small number of comparisons Sumarry :