
Publications and Awards

  • IPSJ-CS Outstanding Achievement and Contribution Award

    OKAMOTO, Yoshio (U. Electro-Communications)
    January 21, 2024
    • 2023 Incentive Award, Minoru Ishida Foundation

      SUZUKI, Akira (Tohoku U.)
      October 27, 2023
      • 13th Research Award, the Operations Research Society of Japan

        KOBAYASHI, Yusuke (Kyoto U.)
        Sepetember 14, 2023
        • XCSP3 Competition 2023, 2nd place of the Main CSP track

          SOH, Takehide (Kobe U.), LE BERRE, Daniel  (CRIL-CNRS), NABESHIMA, Hidetomo (Yamanashi U.), BANBARA, Mutsunori (Nagoya U.), TAMURA, Naoyuki (Kobe U.)
          August 31, 2023
          • IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award for FY2022

            WASA, Kunihiro (Hosei U.)
            "Constant Amortized Time Enumeration of Eulerian trails (2021-AL-183)"
            March 2, 2023
            • 12th Research Encourage Award, the Operations Research Society of Japan

              IWAMASA, Yuni (Kyoto U.)
              Sepetember 14, 2022
              • XCSP3 Competition 2022, 2nd place of the Main CSP track

                SOH, Takehide (Kobe U.), LE BERRE, Daniel  (CRIL-CNRS), NABESHIMA, Hidetomo (Yamanashi U.), BANBARA, Mutsunori (Nagoya U.), TAMURA, Naoyuki (Kobe U.)
                August 3, 2022
                • 18th Young Scientists' Presentation Award, the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

                  IWAMASA, Yuni (Kyoto U.)
                  ”A combinatorial algorithm for computing the degree of the determinant of a generic partitioned polynomial matrix with 2×2 submatrices”
                  June 17, 2022
                  • 20th LA/EATCS-Japan Presentation Award

                    KAWAHARA, Jun (Kyoto U.)
                    "On an efficient solver for combinatorial reconfiguration problems using ZDDs"
                    Authors: ITO, Takehiro (Tohoku U.), KAWAHARA, Jun (Kyoto U.), SOH, Takehide (Kobe U.), SUZUKI, Akira (Tohoku U.), TERUYAMA, Junichi (U. Hyogo), TODA, Takahisa (U. Electro-Communications)
                    February 3, 2022
                    • FIT2020 Funai Best Paper Award

                      OKAMOTO, Yoshio (U. Electro-Communications), ITO, Takehiro (Tohoku U.), KAKIMURA, Naonori (Keio U.), KAMIYAMA, Naoyuki (Kyushu U.), KOBAYASHI, Yusuke (Kyoto U.)
                      "Fixed-parameter algorithms for the robust recoverable base problem of matroids under structural uncertainty"
                      August 26, 2021
                      • 2021 JSAI Incentive Award, the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

                        HANAKA, Tesshu (Chuo U.), KOBAYASHI, Yasuaki (Kyoto U.), KURITA, Kazuhiro (National Institute of Informatics), OTACHI, Yota (Nagoya U.)
                        "Algorithms for finding diverse subgraphs"
                        June 21, 2021 (Affiliation at the time of the presentation)
                        • 9th Hiroshi Fujiwara Encouragement Prize for Mathematical Science

                          KOBAYASHI, Yusuke (Kyoto U.)
                          "Study on efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems"
                          October 17, 2020